Since the heart carries blood throughout the body, it also supplies oxygen and energy. The pressure that pushes blood into the walls of our arteries is called blood pressure (BP). Increased Diagnosing blood pressure causes a strain on the blood vessels and heart, which can lead to a heart attack or other heart disease. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure is measured in two ways.


Diagnosing blood pressure


Each blood pressure diagnosis is determined by a two-digit section. The first is systolic blood pressure, which is the increased pressure that the heart exerts to send blood through the body. The second, on the other hand, is diastolic blood pressure, which is a form of depression. When our heart rests between the heartbeats, this pressure is felt. In the case of blood pressure measurements, these two types of pressure are diagnosed together in a pair, where first the systolic value and then the diastolic value is mentioned.



What is normal blood pressure?


Blood pressure is measured in millimeter units (mmHg) of mercury. Blood pressure less than 120/80 mmHg is generally considered normal, with 120 systolic and 80 diastolic blood pressure.



How do I understand the diagnosis of blood pressure?

Blood pressure, Source file

If your blood pressure is 90/60 or less, it means your low blood pressure or low blood pressure. And if it is more than 90/60 and less than 120/80, it means your blood pressure is normal (ideal).


If your blood pressure is above 120/80 and below 140/90, it will be considered higher than normal. You should keep it low by making lifestyle changes.


If your blood pressure has been diagnosed at 140/90 or higher for several weeks, you may have high blood pressure (hypertension).



What is high blood pressure?


When your blood pressure is consistently high, it is called high blood pressure. A condition is created when either one or two diagnoses of blood pressure are consistently above 130/80 mmHg or when the blood pressure measurement is 140/90 mmHg. This condition puts extra strain on your heart and increases the risk of serious physical problems such as stroke or heart attack or heart failure, and kidney failure.


There are no outward signs of high blood pressure, so only regular blood pressure tests can accurately detect it.


Who is at risk of high blood pressure?


Age: As you get older, your blood vessel elasticity decreases and you are more likely to have high blood pressure due to hormonal changes.


Gender: Men over the age of 45 are more likely to have a high blood pressure than women. Women who break menstruating are also in danger of dropping the caring effects of estrogen.


Race: High blood pressure is common among Africans and Latinos.



What are the main reasons for high blood pressure?





The more mass you gain, the extra blood your emotion needs to pump to send oxygen and nutrients. This large amount of blood seats more weight on the walls of your veins.


Lack of physical activity


When you lead a sedentary lifestyle, your heart rate and pulse rate may be higher. As a result, your heart has to work harder to contract, thus putting more pressure on your arteries. Again, if there is less bodily action, there is a risk of ahead extra weight.


Tobacco and smoking


Tobacco use and smoking raise your blood pressure for a short time. However, in the long run, the chemicals in tobacco make your arteries thicker and harder which makes blood circulation more difficult.




High-calorie alcohols increase the number of lipids in your bloodstream. As a result, your heart has to use more pressure to pump blood. Besides, alcohol increases your appetite and reduces the risk of physical activity, which in turn makes matters worse.


Defective diet


Eating vegetables and fruits along with eating extra packages and junk foods increase your sodium levels and lower your potassium levels. This imbalance of electrolytes causes water to catch and increase blood volume.


What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?


One of the most dangerous aspects of high blood pressure is that you can get the disorder for years without any symptoms. The only way to identify the sickness is through regular health check-ups.


  • Severe headache, headache, and dizziness
  • Neck pain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Slightly getting angry or restless and trembling
  • Not getting a good night’s sleep
  • Occasional ringing in the ears
  • Losing consciousness a lot of the time


If these symptoms occur, doctors recommend regular blood pressure measurements and medication.


What are the long-term effects of high blood pressure?

Excessive pressure on the walls of your arteries due to high blood pressure damages your blood vessels and your organs.

Some of the long-term values of high blood weight include:


  • Heart attack or stroke
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Aneurysm
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney
  • Loss of vision
  • Vascular dementia


How to treat high blood pressure?


You can treat high blood pressure through a combination of medications and lifestyle changes. If you develop hypertension due to any other disease like diabetes or kidney disease, the doctor will prescribe medications to treat them first.



The most common medications prescribed for the disease are:
  • Directix
  • Calcium channel blocker
  • Angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB)
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
  • Betablocker



You can include the following lifestyle changes:


  • Weight loss
  • Exercise five times a week for 30 minutes;
  • Drink alcohol in moderation: no more than four drinks a week
  • Quit smoking
  • Eat fruits and vegetables five times a day;
  • Eat less salty foods and reduce sodium-rich foods such as cheese, snacks, ketchup, and papad
  • Reduce your intake of fried foods, junk foods, and sweet foods.


From the above discussion, it is evident that changing diet and lifestyle is the key to controlling hypertension. So let’s follow the advice of nutritionists. I live a healthy and strong high blood pressure free life.



What to do in case of high blood pressure


It is possible to control blood pressure by making lifestyle changes and taking medicines on the advice of a regular doctor. Here are a few things to keep in mind:


  • Reduce the amount of salt in the diet – The sodium in the salt increases the water content of the blood, resulting in an increase in blood volume and pressure.


  • Avoid smoking and alcohol – Smoking increases the levels of various toxins in the body, which can lead to various arterial and venous diseases, including heart disease.


  • Weight control – Excess body weight causes extra work of the heart. High blood pressure is a common problem in overweight people.


  • Regular exercise or physical activity – Regular exercise and physical activity keeps the heart strong and weight control. As a result, blood pressure is also under control.



  • Reduce stress or anxiety – Anger, excitement, fear or stress can also cause blood pressure to rise temporarily, experts say. Prolonged stress can lead to high blood pressure in the long run.


  • Changing eating habits – Eating meat, butter, or fried foods, extra fatty foods can lead to weight gain. Eating foods high in cholesterol can also increase the risk of high blood pressure. This is because excess cholesterol in the blood makes the walls of blood vessels thicker and harder. This can also lead to high blood pressure.



Also, if you have high blood pressure, you should avoid eating extra cholesterol foods and make it a habit to eat fruits and vegetables.

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Herbal ingredients to control high blood pressure


People who suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure usually have to take regular medication. In addition to medicines, some natural herbal ingredients are also beneficial in these two problems.


Diabetes and high blood pressure have reached everywhere nowadays. Lack of proper care can lead to more serious illnesses, including stroke, vision loss, heart disease, kidney problems, heart attack, vascular dementia, and peripheral blood vessel disease. So it is very important to control blood pressure and blood sugar levels. And those who suffer from these two diseases have to take regular medicine.


Here are some of the herbal remedies reported from a health website.


Tulsi: Tulsi is very useful in reducing blood pressure. The chemical ‘eugenol’ in it fights against those elements which destroy the elasticity of blood vessels. As a result, the risk of high blood pressure decreases. The easiest way to take basil leaves is to boil it in tea water and drink it.


Garlic: Many health-conscious people increase the amount of garlic they eat in winter. This spicy herbal ingredient not only enhances the taste of food but also gives many benefits. Garlic helps in lowering blood pressure by increasing the levels of nitric oxide in the body. ‘Nitric oxide’ relaxes and dilates blood vessels which in turn lowers blood pressure and facilitates blood circulation.


Yellow: Almost everyone already knows the benefits of curcumin in this spice. These include both blood pressure and diabetes control. In a long nine-month study, 240 people who were at risk of developing pre-diabetic diabetes were given regular curcumin tablets. Three of them did not develop diabetes after nine months.


Fenugreek: Researchers have already proven the effectiveness of fenugreek against diabetes. A study of 25 patients with type 2 diabetes found that fenugreek was very helpful in controlling their blood sugar levels. Regularly soaking 10 grams of fenugreek in water makes it much easier to control type 2 diabetes.


Peppermint: Peppermint is not just a food ingredient. Rather, mint can play an effective role in controlling high blood pressure. Mint can be used in a variety of Italian dishes such as pizza or pasta. There are also benefits to drinking mint leaf juice at least once a day.


Cinnamon: Cinnamon can be used multidimensionally. Cinnamon is already very popular in the cuisine of the subcontinent. Cinnamon plays an important role in controlling high blood pressure as well as diabetes. In addition to cooking, cinnamon can be served with tea, coffee, and dried foods. Even just cinnamon can be chewed.


Cardamom: Cardamom is as rich in medicinal properties as it is bad to bite cardamom in food. If you have cardamom in your daily diet, you will see significant changes in a few months. In addition to tea or other beverages, cardamom can be used to enhance the taste of various foods. In addition to the taste, cardamom will also provide an aroma to the food.


Flax seeds: Evidence of the effective role of omega-3 fatty acids in controlling high blood pressure has been found. And the best supplier of this acid is flax seeds. The seeds also act as antioxidants. That is why it also works to control the amount of glucose in the blood. Flax seeds can be used in soups, smoothies, and crows.


Ginger: Ginger helps to dilate blood vessels. That’s why ginger works to control blood pressure. Ginger plays an important role in normal blood flow and control of high blood pressure.



Q: If someone thinks they have high blood pressure, what should they do?


Answer: It is a very interesting thing. The high blood pressure shows no symptoms in most cases. Many times patients do not even know that he has high blood pressure. That is often diagnosed when a person is going abroad. Or having a new appointment, having a medical checkup, or having annual checkups, it gets caught up there. There are usually no symptoms. Symptoms develop only when high blood pressure creates a complication.


It is called the silent killer. For this, every person needs to be checked every year or every six months to see what the condition is like. Then we realize that early diagnosis is very important.

Q: What is the advice or management after diagnosing high blood pressure?

A: If we can diagnose a patient early, there is a lot to do. The most important thing is to change the way of life. In terms of lifestyle, we say that regularly he should jog for at least half an hour or an hour. The amount of salt in his diet should be reduced. Bodyweight must be controlled. He has to meditate. Must be relaxed. She can’t be worried. And no drugs can be taken that create pressure. He will not smoke. There are some more risks with high blood pressure. Many times the amount of cholesterol is high. Diet should be done in a way that is low in fat. Carbohydrates are often converted into fats. That will take less. If he follows these rules, it is possible to control high blood pressure initially.


Q: In the beginning, do you just suggest a change of lifestyle, or do you have any medicine with you?


Answer: It depends on the type of blood pressure. We usually see people in the family with high blood pressure, we are very careful in those families. A term applied is pre-hypertension. If the stage before hypertension is diagnosed at that stage, then just change the lifestyle, high blood pressure is controlled. And if we diagnose stage one, then medication may be needed with some lifestyle changes. And if it comes to stage two or three, we may need to be given two combination medications in addition to lifestyle changes.


Q: On what basis do you do this stage?


A: These depend on the level of blood pressure. We treat depending on the stage. But everyone has to change their way of life. And in stage one for medicine, we try with a medicine. If it is not controlled, we give another medicine. And in stage two, it is usually less drug control. That’s why I give two medicines from the beginning. Again depending on whether there are any complications.